Medical Health Group

The Medical Health Group focuses on increasing participants’ awareness and knowledge of medical health diagnoses that impact their lives such as hypertension, diabetes, hyper/hypothyroidism, COPD, Seizure Disorder and High Cholesterol. Participants learn signs/symptoms of their diagnoses in additions to precautions to reduce the likelihood of being negatively impacted and ways to manage diagnosis appropriately. The Medical Health group includes daily physical fitness such as group exercise, line dancing, Zumba, interactive video games, and fresh air walks that promote healthy lifestyle changes to assist with managing medical health concerns.

The H.U.F. Nursing staff work closely with Outpatient Group Facilitators to facilitate informative and engaging Health groups regarding healthy food choices for participants with diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol and other diagnoses that require diet modifications. H.U.F staff encourages participants to refrain from sharing food with peers due to food allergies and to minimize the spread of germs during cold/flu season. The Nursing Staff also monitors & administers medication to participants that are prescribed mid-day medication. Nursing staff work with Outpatient Group Facilitators to develop treatment goals to increase medication awareness (knowing names of prescriptions, how many pills they take at each dose, size/shape/color of pills) and compliance in order to maintain stability.